Fernando is most known for his telenovelas, such as Maria Isabel and his most popular Rosalinda starring with Mexican superstar Thalia . Carrillo was parto f a music band in Venezuela along with 2 siblings.
Born in Venezuela and educated mostly in London, he is fluent in several different languages including english, spanhish, italian, frencj, talago and others. Carrillo returned to Venezuela and attended the Universidad Central de Venezuela.
From an early beginning Carrillo was a aspiring Young actor and was given the opportunity to appear in televisa. Televisa is the largest televisión network in Hispanic America.
Fernando began his acting career at age 17. ‘The first success came to me at the International Theater Festival of Caracas with the work of’ hurry-Caracas ‘, where I was given the award’. Without a doubt, this was the beginning of a brilliant career. A year later, Fernando was invited to play in a telenovela ‘Lady Rose’. ‘A year of shooting, and it was my first acting challenge. I think I had won, it was a success. “